
1 cup bengal gram flour
11/2 cup sugar
11/2 cups ghee
1 cup water
1/2 tsp cardomom powder


  • Sieve the bengal gram flour (besan).
  • Roast it on a hot griddle/ tava for 2-3 minutes stirring constantly. Set aside.
  • Heat the ghee (clarified butter) in a pan.
  • Put the sugar in another pan and add 1 cup of water to it.  Cook till it becomes sticky syrup.
  • Add the roasted flour to the sugar syrup stirring constantly.
  • Add  ghee little by little into the flour and sugar mixture while stirring with a laddle.
  • Cook till the mixture turns light brown and becomes porous.
  • Sprinkle the cardamom powder over the mixture and set it in a plate.
  • sprinkle crystal sugar on top while it is hot.
  • With a sharp knife cut into 1 1/2 inch squares  immediately.

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